Invisalign in Grande Prairie

Invisalign Near You

Nowadays, Invisalign therapy rivals traditional braces in popularity. Patients can straighten their smiles without having to deal with scratchy metal wires, and they can do so discreetly.

Are you or a family member interested in exploring Invisalign? Contact a dentist near you to arrange a treatment consultation today.

How Does It Work?

When you are approved for this particular form of orthodontic care, your dentist will first devise a plan of action that meets all your needs and goals. This includes how often you must exchange your trays for a new, tighter pair and the progress you should make after certain periods.

Next, digital impressions are taken of your oral cavity; this information guides lab technicians, ensuring that the sets of clear aligners you receive fit you exactly. They will use special dental plastic that is flexible, comfortable and does not irritate your tissues.

Are you or a family member interested in exploring Invisalign? Contact a dentist near you to arrange a treatment consultation today.

As for the trays, the tight fit means that continual pressure is exerted on your smile, triggering bone regeneration and movement. Over several months, your teeth will shift into a straighter position.

The average length of orthodontic treatment ranges from 12 to 24 months. It’s important to note that Invisalign is not suited to smiles that require extensive adjustment; if this is the case, you will most likely be advised to receive conventional or lingual braces.

Ask your dentist in Grande Prairie any questions; they are there to help you navigate these waters easily and ensure that your smile is nothing less than beautiful once your journey is finished. When you are approved for this particular form of orthodontic care, your dentist will first devise a plan of action that meets all your needs and goals. This includes how often you must exchange your trays for a new, tighter pair and the progress you should make after certain periods.

Next, digital impressions are taken of your oral cavity; this information guides lab technicians, ensuring that the sets of clear aligners you receive fit you exactly. They will use special dental plastic that is flexible, comfortable and does not irritate your tissues. Are you or a family member interested in exploring Invisalign? Contact a dentist near you to arrange a treatment consultation today.

What are the Advantages?

Acquiring Invisalign near you can be advantageous for many reasons; examples include:

  • Nearly invisible, which can give you a better aesthetic appearance
  • It can be removed during mealtime
  • Easy to maintain good oral hygiene
  • Don’t need to change your diet
  • Convenient
  • Fewer visits to an emergency dental clinic

Visit Bear Creek Dental to Improve Your Smile

Please book a consultation with one of our team members to get started with your orthodontic journey. We will be with you the entire time and will work hard to ensure that you acquire the smile that you want. Please send us an email or give us a call today!